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Space Clearing

  • 45 minutes
  • 19.99 US dollars
  • #15 O'Connor Street

Service Description

￿￾<p class="font_7">Space Clearing is a ritual found in almost every traditional or native culture in the world. It is a powerful skill that enables the practitioner to change the atmosphere of the home from one of stagnant energy to one of vibrant health, promoting and spiritually enhancing energy. In traditional cultures, space clearing, or having your home blessed, has always been considered a vital activity when moving into a new home. Typically, when the body&#39;s own energy becomes acutely stagnant, symptoms develop including irritability, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm or stamina, and depression.<br /> <a adilinkid="adi_link_0319a407">Space clearing&nbsp;</a>is used to break up any&nbsp;<a adilinkid="adi_link_f83a2ba3">stagnant energy</a>&nbsp;within the home, refresh it, stabilize it and infuse it with your intentions.&nbsp;</p> <p class="font_7"><span class="wixGuard">​</span></p> <p class="font_7"><span style="text-decoration:underline">What is involved in a session</span>?<br /> There are as many different methods of Space Clearing as there are cultures in the world. The rituals that have been used include the use of herbs, chants, potions, symbolism, spiritual ceremonies, blessings, sacrifices, gifts, fruits, plants, and holy water. Sometimes, the timing of the event to coincide with the planets or moon cycles strengthens the effect. Space clearing can be drawn from Native American traditions, Celtic ceremonies, early Christian rituals or Balinese methods; but an exploration of your ancestral traditions may be the best course of action for you.&nbsp;</p> <p class="font_7"><span class="wixGuard">​</span></p> <p class="font_7"><span style="color:#20303c"><span style="font-family:helveticaneuew01-55roma,helveticaneuew02-55roma,helveticaneuew10-55roma,helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,meiryo,hiragino kaku gothic pro w3,hiragino kaku gothic pro,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic">For Space Clearing of&nbsp;Home/Office as well as Land Blessings contact Circles of Consciousness at 868-689-6404 (WhatsAp; Text or Call) or email</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p class="font_7"><span class="wixGuard">​</span></p>

Contact Details

  • #15 O'Connor Street, Woodbrook, TTO

    +868 689-6404

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